Wireless TSN – Definitions, Use Cases & Standards Roadmap White Paper

Mar 13, 2025

Recent advances in 5G and IEEE 802.11 wireless connectivity technologies in providing low latency and high reliability have generated significant interest in extending TSN capabilities over wireless. Wireless communication systems are beneficial for many obvious reasons, including enabling flexibility and reducing wiring costs as well as enabling mobility. However, given the stochastic nature of wireless communications, enabling TSN capabilities that are interoperable and compatible with existing wired TSN standards is challenging.

Avnu Alliance members from across segments (pro AV, industrial) came together to form a new working group to address the capabilities of wireless TSN. They wrote the Avnu Alliance Wireless TSN – Definitions, Use Cases & Standards Roadmap white paper in an effort to generate awareness and start defining work required in Avnu to enable wireless TSN extensions in alignment with wired TSN systems and operation models.

The white paper will also serve as an input to potential future Avnu work to enable evaluation, testing and certification of products that enable TSN extensions from wired to wireless domains. It introduces basic terminology, use cases across markets, and standards for extending TSN capabilities over wireless networks.


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The Avnu Alliance Wireless TSN White Paper is a product of the Wireless TSN working group within Avnu Alliance. Alliance members from Intel, Keysight Technologies, L-Acoustics, and GE contributed their time and industry expertise to author and edit the paper. The views expressed are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of Intel Corporation, Keysight Technologies, L-Acoustics or General Electric.